
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Character View- Maiguru

I'm sure not many people are going to choose Maiguru, because Nyasha and Tambu have much more of a stance than her, but Maiguru has such a huge part of this book that many people don't notice. She goes through such much confusion, hatred, and tension throughout the book, and she really knows how to hold it in. When reading about how we found out Maiguru has a masters degree, and gets a paycheck just like Babamukuru, it hit me that if I were her, I would feel so un-appreciated. She does just as much for the family as Babamukuru, gets no thanks, and also doesn't even see her paycheck. She never says anything, or even fusses about it. She just knows how to keep it in, and what to always do. Also when Babamukuru and Nyasha got into that fight, she was so frightened, but also had to step up as the adult and try to stop it. I know that if I were in that situation, I would be so scared I would probably start freaking out, and go blank to the thought of doing anything. Maiguru is a big inspiration in this book to Tambu also, as Tambu can look up to her when working hard to get her education. She will know that it is possible to get an education and succeed in life, even if she wasn't a boy. I also have a feeling that in the future, Maiguru will do something very big, and that it will open the eyes of some of the other characters in the book. I'm not sure what it would be, but knowing characteristics of her, she seems like the strong, independent woman that also knows what to do, and how to handle it.


  1. It's like what Tambu's mom said about the burden of being a woman. I don't agree with this at all. She deserves to spend her money how she wants to, and knowing her she would most likely spend it on her kids and family.

  2. I agree with Tambu should look up to Maiguru. I think that earlier in the book she was looking up to Babamukuru but I don't think that he is a good person for her to look up to anymore.

  3. Thank you for highlighting Maiguru's role here - I find her a fascinating character with a unique trajectory in the book. For all the fussing and fluttering, she is an intelligent and educated woman who makes hard choices throughout the book. Yes, big things are coming for her.

  4. That's interesting that you chose Maiguru. I bet that her role in the book will become increasingly important.
