
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Literacy Narrative

I'm not positive on what I want to do my literacy narrative on yet, but I have some ideas that I think all would go great with it!
I know when I was in fifth grade, we read the book Where The Red Fern Grows in Mrs. Boudreaux's class. It was a very good read because it was the first book that I actually felt like I was there in the book, with the main characters and all. It was the real first book that I felt the sorrow for like when the dogs had died and it actually put a tear in my eye. I guess since then I have read many more books that have also put me in that "tear in my eye" because the reading levels have gone up and a lot of the authors are more experienced for more older books.
Also, I remember when I was in sixth grade, we were doing our reading for the class one day and I didn't know what to read, so Mrs. G had suggested the book I Have Lived a Thousand Years to me. It was a book about a girl, around my age, who went through the holocaust with her mother and brother. After I had read that book, I was obsessed with books about the holocaust or just world war 2 in general.
Continuing from that book, in eighth grade I read the book, Sarah's Key. It was another book about world war 2 and how a little girl had to go through it without her little brother, who she loved very much. That book is now one of my favorite books ever because I loved how it went back and forth from the little girl in the 1940's to a woman in present day doing an article about the war and all the people that went through it. I guess it was sort of like a suspense book too because throughout the book this writer is trying to find out clues about this girls past and what she did during this hard time in the 40's.
All these books are very memorable to me, so I know it will be a hard decision to choose which one I write about for my Literacy Narrative!


  1. I have similar memories of _Where the Red Fern Grows_, enough that I actually raised a redbone coonhound after college! Think about which of these reading experiences could be described in vivid detail - what you could capture in a real-world scene that would convey your feelings about the book. I look forward to reading!

  2. After reading your paper today I thought you chose a good idea. I think that you had a great paper and that this book had a great connection with you and will make for a great narrative.
