
Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Am a Writer Who...

I am a writer who enjoys writing about personal interests. When I write, there are certain things that you can tell I enjoy because of my descriptions and words or the events or things. For example, when I wrote the literacy narrative, it wasn't like I didn't enjoy writing it, but it was more difficult for me because it wasn't something that I think is the most interesting. Last week for one of my blog posts I wrote about my cross country experience, and it seemed like there was just more spark to it; like there was a different feel to it than it would be to some of my other pieces of writing.
I am also a writer who enjoys writing more creatively than directly. In songs, a lot of writers know how to say things that don't directly say something, but you can tell by their other choice of words what they say or how they feel. For example, the singer/songwriter Lady Gaga is a very deep, emotional person who has gone through a lot in her life. She is a very passionate writer, and you can tell by her songs. Sometimes it might not sound like it makes sense, but once you put it all together you get how she feels or what she's trying to say.


  1. Hey Isabella! I also like to write about personal intrest! I like to use certain words as well, to make my writing pop! However, I like to write directly and creatively. Sometimes, too much of the same type of writing can get annoying, but I dont think we will get annoyed this year! Thanks to Dr. D, who's making us write a variety of writings!

  2. I find it much easier to write about things that I have a personal interest in, it is much easier to make my writing more interesting! However, I like to write more directly than creatively. It goes back to writing what I enjoy, I don't like to write creatively so directly is easier.
