
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Plane Crash

This week in class, I enjoyed the discussion of what we would do if we were in a situation of a plane crashing on a deserted island. I think our group was very good at working together to make sure we "survived". In our group, Diamond acted as our "judge" I guess by just taking control over who was talking when, and what we were going to have to do to survive. She devised a plan so that if someone wanted to talk, they would have to raise their hand, and she would call on them. She also kept us in line by banging on the desk (or I guess sand?) to make sure that everyone was paying attention.
Overall, our group didn't have to many disagreements over what to do. In the end, I think everyone just said that we should either take the first graders, and send them off to find help (so they would leave us alone), or become one with Natives (we made this up) and eat the children. I think we all were just playing around and all decided we didn't want to have to deal with first graders all around us 24/7.
I'm not sure if this was 100% needed or not, but Emory came up with an idea of having a government. I wasn't really sure if we needed this, because everyone on this deserted island was only 14 or 15 or younger. She was saying we needed to have a democracy, which I think is a good idea, but only if we developed the island more, and became stable with our lives again.

This Week For Reading: Hard Love and Lord of the Flies
Monday- 15 minutes
Tuesday- 25 minutes
Wednesday- 20 minutes
Thursday- 15 minutes
Friday- 15 minutes
Sunday- 30 minutes


  1. I enjoyed the discussion as well. I also agree to how Diamond acted like a judge. I give her credit for that. I like the idea of developing a democracy in that situation; it sure seems like a good one.

  2. Thanks! It was funny how you said (or sand?) that was hilarious! I actually laughed out loud! I also enjoyed our discussion, because I could make noise without getting in trouble! I think we would survive, and would have fun living life. I would just imagine I'm on survival!
