
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Free Post

This week is the last week in my 2012 cross country season. I am very depressed about it because over the last 6 months I have gotten so close to all of my cross country buddies, from 6 grade all the way up to seniors. I know that I will still see them around school, or have them in another sport soon, but it still makes me sad that next season, it won't be the same as it was this year. I don't think I have ever liked cross country as much as I did this year, because now I'm older and I guess since I'm older I have more seniority and talk to more of the upper class-men (in this case, just high schoolers). In middle school, I only talked to mainly middle schoolers. I don't mean that I wasn't allowed to talk to the older kids, but I just felt smaller and more intimidated by them. 
Now, it the exact opposite. I feel like I could talk to anyone on the team now, a senior to 6th grader. We all have one distinct thing in common, we love to run. The state meet will be next monday, and I cannot wait to see how all the girls do, from placing to just uniting as a team. We have all grown so close this year, and I know that by the end of the year, when it's time for the seniors to graduate, I will be crying my eyes out with happiness and sadness of everyone moving on in their lives, but also missing the old times that we all had together at summer practices or bootcamp. I think to myself all the time that if I'm already really sad now of people leaving the team, I can't imagine what it will be like when I'm a senior!


  1. I'm gonna miss all the seniors too! They're all so nice! Katie, Liz, and Jessica...we love you! <3

  2. Thats sad:(. You can still keep in touch with them though! Im glad you liked cross country so much!

  3. I am scared for when my soccer season ends and all of the seniors graduate too.. it sounds so sad! It's good that you can talk to everyone now though, and you have something to look forward to next year.

  4. I know exactly how you feel Isabella, but with our football team. We went through summer workouts and boot camp, to practice, to weightlifting, to games, we've been through everything together. Now that the season is coming to an end because we're starting to get into the playoffs I'm getting sad because I know next year we're not going to have the same team.

  5. I wrote about the same thing in my blog! It's so sad that it is already over when it seems like it just started.
