
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No Posts

I would like to use my two skip posts for my first blog post.

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Wait

Peaceful waves on warm sand,
like colors pushing back and forth on one another.
Beach towels, Bubba kegs, and bass turned up high.
For our nights were never dull,
but filled with friends, food, and fun.
I enjoy looking back as people plead,
"Summer, please come back for me!"

The three techniques I used for this poem were:
Image- I used the waves on warm sand to send the reader to a peaceful beach, as many people miss during these last few weeks before we are let out for summer.
Simile- I used the simile "like colors pushing back and forth on one another" to give the idea of what the waves look like on the beach
Personification- Within the simile of "like colors pushing back and forth on one another", I personified the colors pushing back on each other to give the allusion of how the waves are very peaceful, yet hard and crashing as the waves are pushed onto the beach sand.
Alliteration- I alliterated the words "beach towels, bubba kegs, and bass" to give the audience the idea of the different lifestyle you have at the beach.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Reading Times

Over spring break, I was really hoping to get some good relaxing reading in while I had a marvelous week of breaking from school, and starting to enjoy the nice weather we started to get. I did get a good re-reading of some books that I have already read before, and hoped to catch up on with some details that I have missed. I was very excited to be re-reading The Help and Perks of Being a Wallflower. 

Sunday- 30 minutes (Help)
Tuesday- 40 minutes (Help)
Wednesday- 30 minutes (POBW)
Friday- 45 minutes (POBW)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Song Analysis

The song I decided to analyze for this post is "Now" by Paramore. This song represents some of the terrible things that our world has come to, and even though some people may not like this genre of music, it is still very inspirational.
Starting off, I noticed within the song that they mention the word "now" a lot (ergo the name of the song). They show it in many ways, within the way they say it, when they say it, and others. For instance, in the first and many other lines to follow, the singer has an enjambment between the words "don't try to take this from me" and "now". If we said this sentence speaking regularly, we would not pause in between these two words to emphasize the meaning of NOW. Also, after listening to the entire song, I heard many times where the singer elongated the word of "now", while every single other word in the song was only held out a regular quarter note or eighth note. I think this was another showing of the emphasis that the writer was showing of ending this war NOW. Next, throughout the song, it mentions multiple times of almost moving forward. It describes them in different ways, but still comes to the reader/listener in the same message. For example, some of the sayings they used were "Waking from the dead", "we're starting over, or heading in", "if there's a future we want it", and "bringing my sinking ship back to the shore". These sayings symbolize that if the world wants to get better, they have to keep moving and push through the hardness of life. In forms of patterns, I had trouble finding any in the lines of writing.
Ever since we started to annotate more poems in English, I have been noticing it much more in every kind of writing that I see. In songs, books, or even things like quotes. I am excited now to learn more about poems and hopefully help me with understanding writing even more!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Goodall's Plagiarism

I have now realized the downfalls of plagiarism. First, you can always get caught, no matter how much you try to cover it up. Second, don't lie about something someone said, because people talk and figure information out. Lastly, just say something in your own words, because it's so much easier to just say it your way than say it the same way an author did, and get in trouble for it. After seeing how much Jane Goodall did and her co-author, I will never plagiaries.
Many of the places that Goodall was caught for her copying was word-for-word. Also, when Goodall said that she interviewed some of the people in her book, many people said that after asking the people who she claims to have interviewed said that they didn't recall of ever even talking to her before in their lives. I personally don't think that this was all Goodall's fault, but the faults of some of her co-authors and publishers. It was not Goodall's main job to cite a detailed bibliography. I think this is a mishap on her co-author's part, since she was probably the main person with the writing expertise. She should have seen and realized that Goodall didn't properly cite her information from websites, or write the information in her own words even. I do think that people should be punished for this, but not Goodall.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Portfolio Writing

Looking back at my writing over the past year has really opened up my eyes of how much I have learned this year in English. Seeing my writing from the beginning of the year, I realize many little things that I had missed, or how many comma splices I may have had! With the year almost over, I feel I have almost accomplished all of my goals for the year.
After looking at comments from Dr. deGravelles and my peers, I have reminisced in past papers, and remembered how much fun it was to write some of them (even though I may not have thought that at the time). I have also decided that I will look over my first writing piece, my Literacy Narrative, because I like the feeling of writing in first person, with my own experiences. Writing about my personal experiences from english will help in the future when I end up writing more personal experiences. I would like to focus my revising on 3 main things. First, I will attempt to bring the audience with me when writing this. I noticed a lot when we were writing drafts that Dr. deGravelles always made that an important factor for this kind of writing. I see now why she said that so much, since it will help my audience to see what I was going through in this event. Next, I would like to work on my sentence fluency, because after re-reading this paper, I have many awkwardly worded, or cut off sentences that need much more life to them, instead of just "I had to write this paper and I can't think of anything else to write". Lastly, I would like to work on my wording throughout the paper, since I know that I can use better words than some I had used. I felt like an immature writer when using some of the same words I did in 6th grade in my new writing.
I hope that I will immensely improve this paper, because it was by far my favorite of my papers, and also helped me through my journey as an english student this year.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Nervous Conditions- Chapter 10

Now, after finished reading the book, I have realized many things. I love these books that add mystery too it. I also like at the end how she describes "setting down the story", because even though it is her story, the way she describes re-living her story when writing this story like she is reading a story. She has to put down the story because she has lived a very emotional and epic life, that has many ups and downs. Something that I found interesting about her character Tambu is how she was always a strong wall when it came to all these tear-jerking scenes. In most stories, or even in real life for example, most girls would probably have some time in the story where they have either a big mental breakdown, or just have a cry-fest. Even though, unlike other girls, I do also think that Tambu was unaware always of what was really going on. For example, when Nyasha was going on her "diet", Tambu never thought anything of it but as a diet for her cousin to go on to slim her body. When she was really becoming anorexic and having a fatal eating disorder. Tambu was always lost in her studies that she never really knew what was going on, or how it was happening.
Even though the story is over, it mentioned how this was only the beginning on the last page, so it sounds like there is still much more to tell than just her younger life. I have also heard that there is a series of these books, which I will keep a lookout on, and maybe even start reading one in the near future. This book was very different reading for me, because usually in english class we read more Shakespearian stories like Romeo and Juliet or Macbeth (just like we will next quarter), but this book was unlike any other being that it was full of much more intense, and also modern information. It dealt with the troubles that many black people had to face in that time period of segregation, it dealt with many family troubles (husband-wife unevenness, eating disorders, relationship troubles) that not many books talk about. It was personal enough to make us feel like we knew everything about that family, or like what we talk about in class, bringing us to the scene. I hope I will find books more like this in the future, and to hopefully read the sequel soon!