
Sunday, October 28, 2012

My 3 short stories that I read were The Sniper, The Return, and Hills Like White Elephants. I think I liked Hills Like White Elephants better than The Return and The Sniper because it seems happier. I know the stories all have some dark/sad thing about them, but the Return was so dark and sad, I couldn't seem to follow when I was reading.
In Hills Like White Elephants, it was about a couple that was on a trip in Spain. I'm not sure why they were in Spain, but they did mention about how they used to have the entire world? I was confused about that part. I knew it was 3rd person limited because the main characters mentioned many times about how they were worried about something, and also how they used to have the world, but they didn't anymore. I love the mystery of 3rd person limited stories, but I also get frustrated because I'm not sure what everything means. The thing I loved about this story though was the love of the two couples. They seemed like an old couple because they were very impatient with each other, but they still reminded one another of how much they loved the other. I think all these things matter for the thesis because from what I've seen from the thesis statements Dr. D gave us in class, it mentions a lot about many literary elements, and also many characteristics of the story itself. I may talk about the characters feelings, characterizations, or even thoughts. I don't think I'm ready for a main thesis statement though because I'm still not sure which story I'm going to use and how to make the statement all together. I'm excited to write my paper soon after finishing Lord Of The Flies!


  1. It seems like since you enjoyed Hills Like White Elephants more than the other ones, it would be the easiest choice. I know you will think of a strong thesis statement! Just consider any elements that are very important in the story or anything that is repetitive.

  2. I read Hills Like White Elephants and The Return too. However I did not like either of them.

  3. I read The Sniper and It was a good story, but it wasn't my favorite. It seems hard to write about.

  4. I read the SAME exact books as you! I didn't really understand Hill like White Elephants. I liked the Sniper though. And The Return, I didn't really like.
