
Thursday, December 6, 2012


My focus for the book is the character Simon. He is a very static character, being that he always says the most passionate things. As we have talked in class about, he is known as the same as Jesus, because he always the most "maxim" worthy things. For example, one thing he said always stays with me ever since I read it. The quote says, "The thing is--fear can't hurt you any more than a dream" (82). I think this is an amazing quote that he says, because it speaks perfectly about him and the book, but you can also plug it into real life.
Simon still has his troubles in the book though. He still has to deal with all the troubles of Ralph bullying him, and also his trouble with his seizures. One main place was when he was in a way having a hallucination with the Lord of the Flies. It is directly talking to him, but it is already dead, and a pig! He is feeling one of his seizures come on, and goes into this trance. Simon also knows many things that everyone else doesn't. He knows that people will be rescued one day from the island, but he doesn't say that EVERYONE will be rescued. This must mean that either 1) some people are going to die, or 2) that some people will be left behind. I can't wait to start reading the final chapters, and finding out how everything comes together!

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